Cats have an average lifespan of 15 years, but some can live well into their 20s or even 30s.

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 Factors that affect a cat's lifespan include genetics, diet, exercise, and overall health care.

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Indoor cats tend to live longer than outdoor cats due to reduced risks of accidents and exposure to diseases.

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 Neutering or spaying cats can increase their lifespan by reducing the risk of certain cancers and behavioral issues.

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 Regular veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, and preventive care are crucial for maintaining a cat's health and extending their lifespan.

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Proper nutrition with a balanced diet is essential for a cat's longevity.

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Cats may face age-related health issues such as dental problems, arthritis, and kidney disease as they get older.

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Providing a safe and stimulating environment, along with love and attention, contributes to a cat's overall well-being and can positively impact their lifespan. 

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