Apple has released a new privacy policy update that details how Siri voice recordings are used and how they are anonymized.

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The update also includes a new feature that allows users to delete their Siri voice recordings and history from Apple's servers.

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Apple stated that only a small subset of voice recordings are used to improve Siri, and they are typically reviewed by human reviewers.

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However, users can choose to opt-out of sharing their Siri recordings with Apple for improving the service.

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The new privacy policy update is part of Apple's ongoing efforts to strengthen its privacy practices and be more transparent with its users.

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The update comes after Apple faced criticism for its handling of Siri voice recordings and its lack of transparency around the issue.

The company suspended its Siri grading program in 2019 after it was revealed that contractors were able to listen to confidential and private conversations.

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Apple has since made changes to its Siri grading program, including hiring full-time employees to review voice recordings and requiring users to opt-in to sharing their voice recordings with the company.

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The new privacy policy update is set to take effect on May 17th, 2023.

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The update covers all countries where Siri is available and will apply to all users who use Siri on their Apple devices.

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